
Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils that are extracted from plants in a massive concentration of the oil for therapeutic benefit via inhalation or topically. These oils stimulate subconscious reactions in the body that bring about feelings of alertness, happiness, calm, relaxation, or sleep. Subconscious reactions occur when the essential oil molecules are absorbed in the bloodstream via the lungs (inhaled) or skin (soaking & massage). The benefits of aromatherapy can be seen most frequently in helping mitigate emotional fluctuation. Finding emotional balance has the power to change the body's overall health and focus.

~ Benefits of Aromatherapy~

 Decrease Stress

 Antidepressant Capacity

Improves Memory Function

Aids Healing & Recovery

Boosts Energy Levels

And much more at

Aromatherapy Add-On ~ $10  

Inform me at the time you book your session and I'll have prepared the oil package options. Your tailored oil will be used in one, two, or three of the following options:

~ Diffuser ~

The essential oil combo of your choice will be used in a diffuser to fill the room allowing you to breathe in additional benefit during your massage.

~ Compress ~

Areas of the body are treated with a warm cloth infused with the essential oil combo of your choice and will bring benefits directly to a key area of treatment.

~ Face & Foot Treatment ~

For 30 mins of your session we will focus on the face and feet with an essential oil combo of your choice to stimulate the whole body through pressure points as well as localized treatment.


Oil Package Options

Select one of the following categories to have as the base foundation and we will explore the oils at the beginning of your session to create the combo of 2-3 oils that are just right for you:

~ Mood Lift~

Frankincense: Calms Mind, Rejuvenates Body, & Decreases Fatigue

Bergamot: Decreases Anxiety, Mental & Emotional Uplift, & Calms Stress

Rosemary: Calms Mind, Re-energizes Body, & Improves Mental Alertness

Basil: Reduces Fatigue, Decreases Headache, & Aids Mental Alertness

Marjoram: Emotional Uplift, Decreases Headache, & Aids Respiratory System

Clary Sage: Calms Mind, Emotional Uplift, & Soothes Arthritis Pain


~ Relaxation ~

Lavender: Deep Relaxation, Soothes Pain, & Anti-Inflammatory

Juniper: Soothes Pain, Reduces Fatigue, & Improves Body Function

Cedarwood: Calms Mind, Soothes Pain, & Aids Respiratory System

Pine: Calms Stress, Reduces Fatigue, & Mental Uplift

Cardamom: Calms Stress, Soothes Sciatica, & Decreases Headache

Lemongrass: Anti-Inflammatory, Aids Headache, & Circulatory Health


~ Muscle Comfort ~

Grapefruit: Lymph Stimulant, Decreases Pain, Stiffness, & Headaches

Eucalyptus: Soothes Muscles, Decreases Stiffness, & Comforts Joints

Peppermint: Decreases Stiffness, Anti-Inflammatory, & Comforts Joints

Oregano: Comforts Joints, Natural Analgesic, & Aids Respiratory System

Clove: Natural Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, & Soothes Nerve Pain

Thyme: Soothes Muscles, Increases Tissue Healing, & Relax Muscles