Benefits of CHABA

Cannabis Health and Beauty Aids (CHABA) are products that utilize oils from the cannabis plant for topical health benefits.

In July 2015 Washington State took a step forward in the 'Green Rush,' passing a new law (RCW 69.50.575) for Cannabis Health And Beauty Aids (CHABA). This law specifically states that the use of cannabis-infused products with less than 0.3 percent of THC concentration were removed from the WA Controlled Substances Act (WA CSA). As a result these products are not considered a drug and are therefore legal for Licensed Massage Therapist's (LMT) use during massage treatment.

While these oils have less than 0.3% THC (RCW 69.51A.280) they are packed full with other chemical compounds (cannabinoids) of the Cannabis plant (CBD, CBDA, etc.) that activate the body's Endocannabinoid System (ECS). This neurotransmitter communications system within the body regulates all 11 major organ systems and focuses on maintaining homeostasis/equilibrium at a cellular level. 

~ There are two types of cannabinoid receptors ~

• CB1 modulates and moderates the perception of pain. These receptors are found in the brain and tissues of the central nervous system (CNS).

• CB2 is predominantly found in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), immune system & associated structures, and are primarily responsible for mediating cytokine release. CB2 receptors aid in regulating the inflammatory responses in the tissues.

These receptors are found all over the skin and stimulate the nervous system. Generally, the effects of CHABA products last 2-6 hours and typically stays in your system for 2 to 5 days, but that range doesn't apply to everyone. 


~ Benefits of CHABA ~




Expedited Healing 

And much more at Cannabis Nurses Network

~ CHABA Add-On ~

Specific Area Treatment ~ $5.00 | Full Body Treatment ~ $15.00

Cannabis Basics Products


~ Testimonials ~ 

"My body feels happy and calm while my mind is still clear and alert."
Client since 2012

"The pain feels completely released."
Client since 2015